Para arrancar la semana (CXXXVI)

Si uds. prefieren arrancar la semana con uno de esos videos filmados con un GoPro, los mal acostumbré. Nos gustan, es cierto, pero había una época que acá se empezaban los Lunes sólo con publicidades. Motivacionales, claro. Pero avisos publicitarios.

Y hoy vuelve a ser uno de esos días. De un minuto. Y de las que vale la pena compartir.

Prestenle atención a la locución. Disfruten, añoren, y pregúntense hace cuánto no se comportan como niños... Buena semana. Tomen leche.

Logic didn't always rule our lives.
Our decisions weren't fueled by need, they were driven by want.
We chased fun like it was a squirrel and we were greyhounds.
Greyhounds in overalls with sticky fingers.
Costumes, cupboards, cardboard boxes.
If something felt right, we did it.
If something felt wrong, we were dared to do it.
The road between thought and action was short, straight and nothing but green lights.
And while not everything we did when we were kids made sense, drinking milk did.
And still does).


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